2020 Post Season is Underway!
2020 Playoff Brackets have been posted.
They can be viewed at www.nblchicago.com under the 2020 Playoffs drop down menu.
Please keep in mind the following;
1. Some game dates and times may change as we determine where the RPMS teams end up seeded in their divisions.
2. Games will not be added to the TeamSnap schedule, the bracket posting is where you will look to see date, time and location of you next game.
3. Winning team please email me right away, I just need to know Division and Team Name.
4. Brackets will be update daily
5. Please send me your final seedings especially those divisions that star playoffs next week B5, B6
Whether your team is the top seed or the last seed anything can happen during March Madness, make sure you look at the dates and times of the entire playoff bracket for your division, so you are not surprised as your team advances. I say this because there is very little capacity for moving games around as we get deeper into the playoffs.
Lastly, I do understand conflicts may arise, please send an email to myself and your division scheduler so that we can assess.
Good Luck everyone!
Juan G.