League Administrator

POSITIONS OPEN!    (These tasks can be divided among several volunteers each season and volunteers are also needed to learn the established system in order to be able to take over these roles in upcoming seasons.)

Timeframe: September – March

Hours per week: 2 (pre-season Sept-Dec), 1-2 (during season Jan-Mar)

Responsibilities include:

  1. Act as point person for overall league issues (parks/facilities, master scheduling arrangements, issues/concerns related to league)
  2. Ensure that TeamSnap is accurate and up-to-date at all times, by coordinating with League Directors, Director of Referees, Division Commissioners and Schedule Managers
  3. Organize and manage a planning spreadsheet that includes:

Teams and coach contact information

Division Commissioners and expected # of teams per division

Park facilities and contact information

Game slot allocations by Division

  1. Recruit (if needed) NBL Division Commissioners and Schedule Managers and coordinate their activity throughout season
  2. Coordinate payment and season confirmation letters with NBL Director of Finance
  3. Organize mandatory pre-season meeting for all NBL volunteers to meet to prepare for the upcoming season
  4. Coordinate the NBL/PCA partnership efforts
  5. Coordinate the building of master schedule via division schedulers, based on park availability
  6. Coordinate ref availability & questions about league rules with Director of Referees
  7. Coordinate with Director of Referees & League Directors as needed before and throughout season
  8. Coordinate with Community Service Liaison to post and communicate Community Service opportunities for league online
  9. Coordinate with Social Media Manager
  10.  Purchase trophies and medals for first and second place teams in the NBL Playoffs and distribute them to each Division Commissioner

Other Responsibilities include:

  • Directing questions/concerns to appropriate league personnel
  • Update website information through an easy-to-use online system, as needed
  • Maintain league’s TeamSnap, Bookeo and Domain accounts and payments with the Director of Finance